Get Involved! Join clubs, do extra-curricular activities and volunteer. Keep track of what you do and how often.
10th Grade: Sophomore Year
Review your Four-Year Plan. Challenge yourself to take honors or AP courses.
Keep your grades up. Continue to be involved at school and in your community.
Begin work on service learning hours.
Make preliminary inquiries about careers, colleges and majors: Use Ca Career Zone for careers and Bigfuture for college searches.
CaliforniaColleges provides great information about CA colleges and universities.
Take the PSAT (pre-SAT) test in the fall. This is required for all 10th graders. Practice: Collegeboard student testing: PSAT. Link PSAT scores to Khan Academy.
Sign up to take Pathways in the spring. This 9 week junior class will help you in researching colleges, preparing your college applications and finding scholarships.
Create a professional e-mail account that you will check regularly.
11th Grade: Junior Year
Make sure you are taking the appropriate courses. Challenge yourself to a rigorous schedule. Take honors or AP courses.
Apply for a FSA ID (electronic signature) for online FAFSA.
Start talking to teachers, coaches, administrators, counselors, and people in the community about letters of recommendation (for college and scholarship applications).
Interested in the military? Not sure about what career to choose? Take the ASVAB. ASVAB Program
Check your professional email account (which you will use for all college or scholarship related correspondence) on a regular basis.
12th Grade: Senior Year
Make sure you are taking the appropriate courses. Challenge yourself to a rigorous schedule. Take honors or AP courses.
Continue working on service learning hours.
Retake the SAT at Collegeboard and/or the ACT in the fall (not later than December). Register online for Saturday test administration.
Finalize your list of college choices and apply in the fall. Note application deadlines!
Visit individual college websites. VISIT COLLEGE CAMPUSES!!!
Make regular visits to the College and Career Center.