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Message to Parents

Message to Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians:

When you are involved, your child achieves more!  Research shows that regardless of the economic, ethnic, or cultural background of the family, when parents/guardians are involved in their children's education, students have:

  • Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
  • Better school attendance
  • Increased motivation
  • Better self-esteem
  • Lower rates of suspension
  • Decreased use of drugs and alcohol
  • Fewer instances of violent behavior
  • Greater enrollment rates in post-secondary education

Here are several things that you can do to monitor your son/daughter's progress:

  • Expect your son/daughter to have homework.
  • Check your son/daughter's attendance in ParentVue                   
  • Check your son/daughter's grades on the Canvas
  • If you do not have Internet access, your son/daughter can obtain grade printouts from his/her teachers.
  • Participate in Back-to-School, Open House and College Parent Nights.
  • Stay in contact with your son/daughter's teachers and counselor.
  • Check ParentVue for the next progress report.

Helpful resources for parents