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Reviewing Transcripts

Reviewing Transcripts

Graduation Requirements

Minimum Requirements

Total credits: 220  English (40), Social Science (30), Science (20), Math (40), P.E. (20), World Language or Fine Arts (10), Electives (60) 


Awards Given

Honors 3.0 to 3.49 academic unweighted GPA
High Honors 3.5 to 3.49 academic unweighted GPA
Highest Honors 4.0 cumulative unweighted GPA


GPA Calculations

Academic GPA (unweighted) all courses grades 9-12 except for PE, Sports, Teacher's and Office Aide  
Total GPA (unweighted) all courses grades 9-12  
University GPA (weighted) college prep courses, grades 10-12


Unweighted GPA:  GPA is calculated by assigning point values to the grades earn (A = 4; B =  3; C = 2; D = 1; F = 0) and multiplying by the credits for that class.  Then divide the Total Points by the Total Credits earned =  unweighted GPA.

Weighted GPA:  CSU/UC assigns extra points for a total of 8 semesters of Honors AP courses (A = 5; B =  4; C = 3) and multiply by the credits for that class.  D grades are not assigned extra points.  Then divide the Total Points by the Total Credits earned =  weighted GPA.